“…For the SV detection in CYP2D6, we evaluated the software tools Astrolabe (previously Constellation) v0.8.6.1 [15], Aldy v2.2.3 [16], and Stargazer v1.0.7 [17]. To compare the accuracy of these three variant callers, we downloaded FASTQ and/or BAM files of 20 human PGx reference WGS samples from the European Nucleotide Archive (ENA, ebi.ac.uk) (HG00436, NA07029, NA18959, NA19109, NA21781, NA12873, NA18861, HG00589, NA19917, NA07019, NA12717, HG00276, NA18524, NA18540, NA07348, NA18519; NA18966, NA18992 and NA19226) [47] or from ftp-trace.ncbi.nih.gov/1000genomes/ftp/phase3/data/NA12892 (NA12892).…”