Resumen. La pudrición gris en racimos de uva causada por Botrytis cinerea, es la enfermedad que más afectan al mercado de la uva de mesa. Su control es mediante almohadillas liberadoras de dióxido de azufre (SO 2 ) y fungicidas sistémicos, actualmente en revisión regulatoria. En este trabajo se planteó evaluar en forma volátil un extracto de ajo (EHA), alicina, dialildisulfuro (DADS) y dialiltrisulfuro (DATS), sobre la incidencia de pudrición gris en racimos de uva variedad Flame seedless. Los tratamientos fueron impregnados en celulosa, que permitió la liberación de los compuestos sobre
Abstract. Gray mold in grape clusters caused byBotrytis cinerea, is one of the diseases that most affect the table grape market. To control this disease sulphur dioxide releasing pads (SO 2 ) and systemic fungicides are used, currently in regulatory review. In this work, it was proposed to use an extract of garlic (EHA), allicin, dialyldisulfide (DADS) and dialyltrisulfide (DATS) in volatile form to evaluate the incidence of gray mold on clusters of table grapes of the Flame seedless variety. Treatments were impregnated with cellulose, which allowed the release of the volatile compounds on clusters of grape inoculated with 1x10 6 spores of B. cinerea/mL. The results showed that the volatile emitted by allicin and DADS had a lower effect than that of EHA and DATS. Those compounds similarly inhibited (P≤0.05) disease development in clusters of grape for 14 days at 4 and 25 °C, showing increased effectiveness at low temperature (4 °C). This is a result of particular relevance in the problematic of this disease that occurs during grape cold storage. The effectiveness of garlic-derived