The discovery of sinkholes on the road at Universiti Malaysia Kelantan, Jeli campus is concerning as it is risky to road users, especially Universiti Malaysia Kelantan students and staff. The study presents an investigation of the sinkhole based on the resistivity approach. By using the Electrical Resistivity Imaging (ERI) method, we can understand the subsurface materials that cause sinkhole occurrence. The resistivity data were collected on the sinkhole area using two survey lines of 50m Schlumberger array and 100m of Gradient array. The results of pseudosection showed a dominantly low resistivity area with a value between 1 Ωm to 100 Ωm indicating the presence of high water content in the subsurface materials due to water seepage from the surface. The highest resistivity value, 600 Ωm showed the presence of compacted material in the subsurface. From the resistivity method, the sinkhole formation in the study area is caused by water saturating the subsurface material which is likely due to rainwater seeping and washing away the unconsolidated material underneath.