We consider the possibility of obtaining frequency-time distributions of signals by means of the cross Wigner-Ville transform in which the reference (test) signal is designed in accordance with the structure of the studied signal. It is shown that because of the complex nature of the WignerVille distributions (WVDs) P (t, ω), information on the frequency-time characteristics of studied signals can be obtained by analyzing the modulus of the distribution |P (t, ω)|, as well as by the real Re[P (t, ω)] and imaginary Im[P (t, ω)] parts of the WVD. Their analysis by the method of selected sections permits one to disclose in more detail the spectral-time content of processed signals and thereby increase the frequency-time resolution. The efficiency of the proposed technique was verified by numerical modeling and in work with acoustic signals received by a mobile receiver from a fixed transmitter.When the problems related to determining the spectral content of the time-varied signals are considered, the methods based on obtaining cross frequency-time distributions offer the best accuracy. The problem of choosing the method is complicated by the fact that the obtained distributions differ in form, and each distribution has unique properties [1,2]. Despite the differences, the methods of obtaining frequencytime distributions are similar in that they reveal the correlation of the studied signal u(t) with either the signal itself having a modifed dependence on time t and frequency ω via a shift or inversion or with an additional reference signal. The method of obtaining cross frequency-time distributions considered in this paper is based on the Wigner-Ville transform [1, 3]which can be treated as a two-dimensional (t and ω) cross correlation function between the direct and time-inverted signals. In Eq. (1), the studied signal u(t) is represented as an analytical signal and generally contains a useful component s(t) and noise n(t), namely, u(t) = s(t) + n(t), and the symbol * denotes complex conjugation. Due to the use of the time-inverted signal u(t), the Wigner-Ville transform yields an absolute distribution in time and frequency, which stipulates its high frequency-time resolution confirmed by the results obtained in processing of experimental data (see, e.g., [4][5][6]). The Wigner-Ville transform is nonlinear and features cross-modulation distortions, such that the part corresponding to the useful signal s(t) in the distribution calculated using Eq. (1) may become indiscernible against their background [7]. Hence, during estimation of the parameters of the signal s(t), especially in the