In this article, we study almost cosymplectic manifolds admitting quasi-Einstein structures (g, V, m, λ). First we prove that an almost cosymplectic (κ, µ)-manifold is locally isomorphic to a Lie group if (g, V, m, λ) is closed and on a compact almost (κ, µ)-cosymplectic manifold there do not exist quasi-Einstein structures (g, V, m, λ), in which the potential vector field V is collinear with the Reeb vector filed ξ. Next we consider an almost α-cosymplectic manifold admitting a quasi-Einstein structure and obtain some results. Finally, for a K-cosymplectic manifold with a closed, non-steady quasi-Einstein structure, we prove that it is η-Einstein. If (g, V, m, λ) is non-steady and V is a conformal vector field, we obtain the same conclusion.