We study the spectral properties of the transition semigroup of the killed onedimensional Cauchy process on the half-line (0, ∞) and the interval (−1, 1). This process is related to the square root of one-dimensional Laplacian A = − − d 2 dx 2 with a Dirichlet exterior condition (on a complement of a domain), and to a mixed Steklov problem in the half-plane. For the half-line, an explicit formula for generalized eigenfunctions ψ λ of A is derived, and then used to construct spectral representation of A. Explicit formulas for the transition density of the killed Cauchy process in the half-line (or the heat kernel of A in (0, ∞)), and for the distribution of the first exit time from the half-line follow. The formula for ψ λ is also used to construct approximations to eigenfunctions of A in the interval. For the eigenvalues λ n of A in the interval the asymptotic formula λ n = nπ 2 − π 8 + O( 1 n ) is derived, and all eigenvalues λ n are proved to be simple. Finally, efficient numerical methods of estimation of eigenvalues λ n are applied to obtain lower and upper numerical bounds for the first few eigenvalues up to 9th decimal point.