Ero sional his tory of the Karkonosze Gran ite Mas sif -con straints from ad ja cent sed i men tary bas ins and thermochronologyThe long-term ero sional his tory of the Karkonosze Gran ite Mas sif is re vised and re con structed us ing dif fer ent sources of in for ma tion, includ ing the sed i men tary re cord of ad ja cent bas ins, pre vi ously pub lished low-tem per a ture thermochronological data and geomorphic features. Al though the ev i dence is still in com plete, this work has iden ti fied a num ber of in ter vals, of un equal du ra tion, char ac ter ized by dif fer ent de nu da tion re gimes and rates. Sev eral ma jor phases of rapid ex hu ma tion are in ferred -in the Perm ian and the Early Tri as sic as seen in the sed i men tary re cord, and in the Late Cre ta ceous as shown by both the thermochronological and sed i men tary re cords. Neotectonic up lift of the Karkonosze Mts. in the late Ce no zoic is not re corded in the thermochronological re cord and there is no ev i dence of any ac cel er ated de nu da tion close to the mas sif. Ap a tite fis sion track data show that >~3.6 km of rock must have been eroded since the Turonian, while the re sults of zir con (U-Th)/He anal y sis sug gest that in places ero sion of >~6 km of rock must have taken place. This picture dif fers from pre vi ous es ti mates of de nu da tion which sug gested that only 2-2.5 km has been eroded from the ax ial part of the Karkonosze dome since the ex po sure of gran ite batholith in the Perm ian.
Piotr Migoñ, De part ment of Ge og ra phy and Re gional De vel op ment, Uni ver sity of Wroc³aw,