is quantitatively more important. (HEPATOLOGY 1996; To characterize the early events in liver injury pro-23:80-86.) duced by halothane, experiments were performed in genetically susceptible guinea pigs 19 hours after halothane exposure. Serum bile acid concentrations were Many studies have addressed the relationships befourfold increased in halothane-exposed animals com-tween halothane metabolism and liver injury in experipared with controls. In isolated perfused liver experi-mental models. [1][2][3][4][5][6] It is evident that metabolism of haloments, livers from halothane-exposed animals did not thane is usually required, but the manner in which this differ in hepatic oxygen uptake or in perfusion pressure leads to the onset of hepatocellular necrosis a few days at the end of experiments, but bile flow and biliary bile later is not known. The guinea pig model of halothanesalt concentrations were reduced. Hepatic calcium coninduced liver injury is of some interest to the human tent was increased in halothane-exposed guinea pigs counterpart because there is no requirement for induccompared with controls, and further experiments were performed to explore the reason for this. As determined tion of drug-metabolizing enzymes or for deliberate proby infusion of 45 Ca to steady-state perfusate concentra-duction of systemic hypoxia. 7-10 However, it is apparent tions, hepatic calcium clearance was increased in halo-from the temporal development of hepatic necrosis and thane-exposed guinea pigs compared with controls (0.37 the similar severity after single and multiple exposures { 0.06 vs. 0.28 { 0.02 mL/min, P õ .01). Decreased biliary to halothane 7,11 that immunologic mechanisms are unexcretion of calcium was also noted and was entirely likely to be operative in the guinea pig model, as they attributable to reduced bile flow. However, although de-appear to be in humans. Rather, a relationship to halocreased excretion contributed to hepatic accumulation thane metabolism with production of reactive metaboof calcium, it was quantitatively less important than enlites 7,10 and lipid peroxidation 12 or production of hepatic hanced hepatic uptake. As indicated by passage of a boischemia through halothane-induced reduction of helus of horseradish peroxidase from perfusate into bile, hepatic tight junction permeability was increased five-patic blood flow 13 have been proposed as mediating fold after halothane exposure. It is concluded that chole-liver injury.
stasis, as exemplified by reduced bile flow, is an earlyAn advantage of the guinea pig model is that the feature of the liver injury produced by halothane in predisposition to hepatotoxicity is a genetically deterguinea pigs and is associated with increased tight junc-mined property that remains constant among individtion permeability. Although the decrease in bile flow ual animals. 8,14 Thus, susceptibility or resistance to contributes to an early increase in hepatic calcium con-halothane-induced liver injury can be characterized, tent, entry of calcium from the perfusi...