“…Stroboscopically induced visual hallucinations (SIVH), the main subjective effect of such stimulation was initially discovered by Jan Purkinje in 1819 (Paul C. Bressloff, Cowan, Golubitsky, Thomas, & Wiener, 2002; 1819). SIVH’s that occur with eyes closed are described as visually intense experiences that display magnificent colours, geometric form constants and complex imagery (Bartossek, Kemmerer, & Schmidt, 2020; Paul C. Bressloff et al, 2002; Mauro, Raffone, & VanRullen, 2015; Schwartzman et al, 2019). These form constants have also been reported in various ASC such as those induced by Marijuana (Siegel & West, 1975) LSD (Knoll, Kugler, Höfer, & Lawder, 1963) models suggesting that form constants may arise out of the same neural processes and correlates (Rule, Stoffregen, & Ermentrout, 2011).…”