Abstract-Reduced myocardial vasodilatation (MVD) in hypercholesterolemics without overt coronary stenosis has been reported.However, the status of MVD in hypertriglyceridemics has not yet been clarified. The aim of this study was to investigate whether MVD is impaired in patients with hypertriglyceridemia without overt coronary stenosis. Twenty-three hypertriglyceridemics (10 normocholesterolemic hypertriglyceridemics [HTGs] and 13 mixed combined hyperlipidemics [MCHLs]) and 13 age-matched controls were studied. All patients were proven to have more than one normal coronary artery, as diagnosed by coronary angiography, and those segments that were perfused by anatomically normal coronary arteries were used in the study. Myocardial blood flow (MBF) during dipyridamole (DP) loading and baseline MBF were measured by using positron emission tomography and [13 N]ammonia, after which MVD was calculated. Baseline MBF (mL ⅐ min Ϫ1 ⅐ 100 g
Ϫ1) was comparable among HTG (76.0Ϯ26.1), MCHL (77.0Ϯ26.1), and controls (80.3Ϯ38.5). However, MBF during DP loading was significantly lower in MCHL (159Ϯ52.5) than in control subjects (292Ϯ166, PϽ.01), while it was comparable in HTG (202Ϯ104) and controls. MVD was significantly reduced in both HTG (2.70Ϯ1.09, PϽ.05) and MCHL (2.07Ϯ.70, PϽ.01) compared with controls (3.73Ϯ1.14). MVD in MCHLs tended to be reduced compared with that in HTGs, but the difference was statistically insignificant (Pϭ.08). There was a significant relationship between MVD and both plasma triglycerides (rϭϪ.47, PϽ.01) and plasma total cholesterol (rϭϪ.55, PϽ.01). When controls and HTGs were combined, the relationship between MVD and plasma total triglycerides became more prominent (rϭϪ.55, PϽ.05), and the significant relationship between cholesterol level and MVD disappeared. Multivariate regression analysis has revealed that the triglyceride level (Fϭ5.2, PϽ.05) was independently related to MVD (rϭ.69, PϽ.01). In conclusion, MVD was reduced in hypertriglyceridemics in anatomically normal coronary arteries. Hypertriglyceridemia is an independent factor for this abnormality. (Arterioscler Thromb Vasc Biol. 1998;18:294-299.) Key Words: hyperlipidemia Ⅲ hypertriglyceridemia Ⅲ atherosclerosis Ⅲ myocardial vasodilatation Ⅲ PET R educed MVD has been thought to be a factor in coronary stenosis.1 It has been shown that MVD can be altered without evidence of ischemia in hypercholesterolemics 2-4 and that there is a significant inverse relationship between MVD and plasma TG levels in hyperlipidemics without evidence of ischemia. 3,5 In fact, alterations in MVD without overt coronary stenosis have been indicated in a variety of conditions; for example, hypertrophic cardiomyopathy, 6 dilated cardiomyopathy, 7 and diabetes with and without associated hypertension, 8 -10 and in normal segments in patients with myocardial infarction. 11 We have reported a reduced MVD without overt coronary stenosis in patients with hypercholesterolemia.
12However, most recent studies, including our own, involved patients with pure hyperchole...