Short generation times and facile genetic techniques make the fruit fly Drosophila melanogaster an excellent genetic model in fundamental neuroscience research. Ion channels are the basis of all behavior since they mediate neuronal excitability. The first voltage gated ion channel cloned was the Drosophila voltage gated potassium channel Shaker 1,2 . Toward understanding the role of ion channels and membrane excitability for nervous system function it is useful to combine powerful genetic tools available in Drosophila with in situ patch clamp recordings. For many years such recordings have been hampered by the small size of the Drosophila CNS. Furthermore, a robust sheath made of glia and collagen constituted obstacles for patch pipette access to central neurons. Removal of this sheath is a necessary precondition for patch clamp recordings from any neuron in the adult Drosophila CNS. In recent years scientists have been able to conduct in situ patch clamp recordings from neurons in the adult brain 3,4 and ventral nerve cord of embryonic 5,6 , larval 7,8,9,10 , and adult Drosophila 11,12,13,14 . A stable giga-seal is the main precondition for a good patch and depends on clean contact of the patch pipette with the cell membrane to avoid leak currents. Therefore, for whole cell in situ patch clamp recordings from adult Drosophila neurons must be cleaned thoroughly. In the first step, the ganglionic sheath has to be treated enzymatically and mechanically removed to make the target cells accessible. In the second step, the cell membrane has to be polished so that no layer of glia, collagen or other material may disturb giga-seal formation. This article describes how to prepare an identified central neuron in the Drosophila ventral nerve cord, the flight motoneuron 5 ( MN5 15 ), for somatic whole cell patch clamp recordings. Identification and visibility of the neuron is achieved by targeted expression of GFP in MN5. We do not aim to explain the patch clamp technique itself.
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ProtocolThe following description is not specific for one motoneuron. It can be used with any neuron. In this example, we use the flight motoneuron 5 (MN5) that innervates the two dorsalmost fibers of the dorsolongitudinal wing depressor muscle (DLM). To identify and visualize MN5 we use the UAS/GAL4 system to express GFP in the flight motoneurons (and few other neurons).
Dissection of Adult Drosophila to Access the Dorsal Part of the Ventral Nerve Cord (VNC)1. Dissect an adult Drosophila dorsal side up along its dorsal midline in a sylgard coated Petri dish (35 mm diameter) as described in Ryglewski and Duch (2009 13 ). A movie of this dissection is available online via JoVE (Boerner and Godenschwege
16. Below is a brief description of the dissection. 2. Adult flies are anesthetized by cooling on ice for about 1 min. This can be achieved by pre-cooling an empty fly vial (without food) on ice and placing the fly in the already cold vial. W...