“…In modern portable communication systems, many desirable features are required for the delay lines, such as compact size, integration with monolithic microwave integrated circuit (MMIC), constant and large delay, low insertion loss, and zero or low control power or voltage. Various topologies were used to build delay lines for the microwave circuits and systems, including RF MEMS with microstrip line on GaAs, alumina, and LTCC substrates [1]- [4], ferroelectric varactor with coplanar strip (CPS) line on high resistivity Si substrate [5], superconducting coplanr waveguide (CPW) line and coplanar double-spiral meander line on substrate [6], right/left-handed transmission line on PCB substrate [7], spiral microstrip line on InP substrate [8], shielded CPW line on GaAs substrate [9], and polyimide core micro-coaxial line on Si substrate [10].…”