Seizure failure of aluminum-lead-silicon crankshaft bearings andfects o f hard particles in aluminum based bearing alloys by r~odular cast iron shafts has been studied experimentally. Bearings introducing different hard particles into 10% tin-aluminum and shafts of diferent materials with diferent surface texture have alloys. Their results showed that hard particles in the alloy b e a tested and compared. Results show that seizure can occur on can polish and modify the shaft surface, and remove alumimime, local scales, Larger silicon particles in the num adhesion on the shaft. Ferrite burrs on thc shart surFace can be polished away so that the bearing has a much higher alloy give better seizure resistance. Bored bearings have higher seizure seizure load, especially when nodular cast iron sharts are loads than broached bearings. Fmemte in cast iron decreases the seizure used. Hard particles also enhance the wear resistance OF the resistance of the shaft. Surjnce quality of the shaft also has an apbearing. They also found that the harder the particles are, parmt gect On 'Ite seizure limit. are proposed lo the better effects they can achieve, with hardest silicon parseizure behaviors and mechanisms. ticles having the best performance ( 5 ) . The aluminum alloys with block-form Si particles showed better seizure resistance KEY WORD Bearings