Three main criteria are applied in the selection of metallization systems used in electronic devices. Firstly, these systems must have good conductivity to minimize power losses. Gold, with a resistivity of 2.4 mn xcm, fulfils this condition and can tolerate high current densities. Secondly, metallizations must be inert or remain passive in operating environments if a high level of reliability is to be achieved. In this latter respect, gold is unequalled as an outer,layer for metallizations because it does not form corrosion products in severe environments. Thirdly, metallization systems should be compatible with manufacturing processes. Anderson (1) and Mattox (2) have reviewed some of these processes and their operating parameters. Thin film systems can be categorized according to whether one, two, three or four cornponents are used (Table I) and, in general, it is desirable to use the least number of metals in order to simplify their preparation. Thus, the one-component system of aluminium has been used extensively and with great success in applications where corrosion resistance is not critical.Apart from meeting the first two criteria listed above, gold is also compatible with beam-leaded and lead frame inter-and intraconnection technologies, it has substantial resistance to electromigration and can readily be deposited in thin layers by a variety of wet or vacuum processes. However, although Mattox (2) lists gold as a one-component metallization, it is not frequently used as such because it does not adhere well to oxide (or oxidized) surfaces (1,3). One or more metals are normally used at the gold-substrate interface to ensure strong bonding. Of the two-component systems listed in Table I, gold/chromiumm?is the most resistant to atmospheric corrosion (4 to 8) and its resistivity is generally lower than that of goldpalladium/chromium because of alloying effects between gold and palladium (7). The presence of palladium or platinum as x in three-component systems of the gold/x/titanium type improves the corrosion resistance over that of gold/chromium (4), but also increases the metallization resistivity because of interdiffusion between gold and palladium or=.:•=• platinum (9,10). Unalloyed palladium is not as inert Au/Mo/Ti *The sequence of the components is from the free surface towerds the substrate, the sequence of deposition during manufacture is therefore the reverse of that indicated here.