Recording ambient noise at the surface is increasingly used for the assessment of site response and has become a fundamental task for seismic risk reduction in urbanized areas. Methods based on the measurement of seismic noise, which typically are fast, non invasive, and low cost, have become a very attractive option in microzonation studies. In the current work, we use the ambient noise recordings collected by single seismic stations and two-dimensional arrays to determine the response of the near-surface soil at the two touristic cities of Hurghada and Safaga which are located at the Red Sea coast in Egypt. Based on the horizontal-to-vertical (H/V) spectral ratio Nakamura's technique, recordings of the single stations are analyzed to estimate the fundamental site frequency (f 0 ). Using the raw noise signals recorded by two arrays, we present a joint inversion scheme for surface wave dispersion curves. In particular, the Rayleigh wave dispersion curves and the H/V curves are combined in a joint inversion procedure. We present inversion procedure based on the computation of high-frequency correlation functions between arrays' stations. The calculation of Rayleigh wave phase velocities is based on the frequency-domain SPatial AutoCorrelation (SPAC) and frequency-wavenumber (f-k) methods. Constitutively, a tomographic inversion of the travel-times estimated for each frequency is performed, allowing the vertically varying 1-D shear wave velocity structure below the array to be retrieved. Following the relationship between resonance frequency (f 0 ) and thickness of sediments, the thickness of unconsolidated sediments at the investigated sites are determined.