20Streptococcus mutans displays complex regulation of natural genetic competence.
21Competence development in S. mutans is controlled by a peptide derived from ComS (XIP); 22 which along with the cytosolic regulator ComR controls the expression of the alternative sigma 23 factor comX, the master regulator of competence development. Recently, a gene embedded 24 within the coding region of comX was discovered and designated xrpA (comX regulatory peptide 25 A). XrpA was found to be an antagonist of ComX, but the mechanism was not established. In
26this study, we reveal through both genomic and proteomic techniques that XrpA is the first 27 describe negative regulator of ComRS systems in streptococci. Transcriptomic and promoter 28 activity assays in the Δ xrpA strain revealed an up-regulation of genes controlled by both the 29 ComR-and ComX-regulons. An in vivo protein crosslinking and in vitro fluorescent polarization 30 assays confirmed that the N-terminal region of XrpA were found to be sufficient in inhibiting 31 ComR-XIP complex binding to ECom-box located within the comX promoter. This inhibitory 32 activity was sufficient for decreases in PcomX activity, transformability and ComX accumulation.33 XrpA serving as a modulator of ComRS activity ultimately results in changes to subpopulation 34 behaviors and cell fate during competence activation.
36Streptococcus mutans displays complex regulation of natural genetic competence, 37 highlighted by a novel gene, xrpA, embedded within the coding region for the master regulator 38 ComX. We show that XrpA modulates ComRS-dependent activation of comX expression, 39 resulting in changes to sub-population behaviors, including cell lysis. XrpA is the first described 40 inhibitor of a ComRS system and, because it is unique to S. mutans it may be targetable to 41 prevent diseases caused by this pathogen.65 groups utilize an extracellular signaling system composed of a signaling peptide termed CSP 66 (competence stimulating peptide) and a two-component signal transduction system encoded by 67 comDE. In contrast, the Bovis, Salivarius and Pyogenic streptococci employ an intercellular from the ComS precursor, and a cytosolic Rgg-like regulator designated as ComR (Håvarstein, 70 2010). While these two signal systems diverge substantially in their distribution among species 71 and how the systems perceive and transduce their signals, stimulation of either pathway with 72 the cognate peptide results in the activation of transcription of an alternative sigma factor 73 termed ComX or SigX. ComX controls the transition into the competent state by activating the 74 expression of a regulon encoding gene products necessary for DNA uptake and processing. 75 The Mutans group of streptococci, including the human caries pathogen S. mutans, are 76 unique in that most strains encode an apparently functional ComCDE as well as ComRS 77 pathways. Further, either signal peptide (CSP or XIP) can trigger up-regulation of comX, 78 although different conditions, including pH, re...