Two toxins from the venom of Naju mossambicu mossambica, neurotoxin I and cardiotoxin V"4, were investigated in aqueous solution by high-resolution 'H nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) techniques at 360 MHz. The spectral characterization of the proteins included determination of the number of slowly exchanging amide protons which can be observed in 'H20 solution, measurement of the amide proton chemical shifts and exchange rates, characterization of the aromatic spin systems and the internal mobilities of aromatic rings, and studies of the pH dependence of the NMR spectra. For numerous resonances of labile and non-labile protons quite outstanding pH titration shifts were observed. It is suggested that these NMR parameters provide a useful basis for comparative structural studies of different proteins in the large group of homologous snake toxins. As a first application the NMR data presently available in the literature on neurotoxin I1 from Naju nuja oxiuna, toxin CI from Nuja nigricollis and erabutoxin a and b from Laticaudu semfusciatu have been used to compare these three proteins with neurotoxin I from Nuja mossambica mossambicu. This preliminary comparative study provides evidence that the same type of spatial structure prevails for these four homologous neurotoxins and that the folding of the backbone corresponds quite closely to that observed in the crystal structure of erabutoxin b. A second application is the comparison of cardiotoxin V"4 from Nuju mossumbica mossambicu with the neurotoxins. The experimental data indicate that the folding of the polypeptide backbone is closely similar, but that the cardiotoxin molecule is markedly more flexible than the neurotoxins.The short neurotoxins and the cardiotoxins are a group of homologous proteins found in snake venoms. They consist typically of one polypeptide chain with 60 -62 amino acid residues, including four disulfide bridges [l, 21. The eight half-cystine residues in cardiotoxins and neurotoxins are placed at the same positions, and in addition seven other amino acid residues are found to be common to both groups of toxins. In spite of these homologies there are pronounced differences in the mode of action of the two types of toxins. Neurotoxin binds to a protein receptor at the postsynaptic level and blocks acetylcholine transmission [3]. Cardiotoxin apparently binds to a lipid-type receptor structure, and irreversibly depolarizes a wide spectrum of cells [4--81. Much effort was recently devoted to the investigation of relations between the spatial structures of Note. Neurotoxin I was previously denoted neurotoxin 11; for Abbreviatiofis. NMR, nuclear magnetic resonance; 6, chemical details see Materials and Methods. shift; ppm, parts per million. short toxins and their biological functions. These studies include theoretical predictions of the molecular conformations from the amino acid sequence [9-111, studies of chemically modified toxins [12,13], optical spectroscopy [14 -181, nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy [19-221 and X-ray crys...