The capture and storage of CO2 are of growing
in atmospheric science since greenhouse gas emission has to be reduced
considerably in the near future. The present paper deals with the
doping of cations on ZrO2, i.e., M-ZrO2 (M =
Li+, Mg2+, or Co3+), defecting the
crystalline planes for the adsorption of carbon dioxide. The samples
were prepared by the sol–gel method and characterized completely
by different analytical methods. The deposition of metal ions on ZrO2 (whose crystalline phases: monoclinic and tetragonal are
transformed into a single-phase such as tetragonal for LiZrO2 and cubic for MgZrO2 or CoZrO2) shows a complete
disappearance of the XRD monoclinic signal, and it is consistent with
HRTEM lattice fringes: 2.957 nm for ZrO2 (101, tetragonal/monoclinic),
3.018 nm for tetragonal LiZrO2, 2.940 nm for cubic MgZrO2, and 1.526 nm for cubic CoZrO2. The samples are
thermally stable, resulting an average size of ∼5.0–15
nm. The surface of LiZrO2 creates the oxygen deficiency,
while for Mg2+ (0.089 nm), since the size of the atom is
relatively greater than that of Zr4+ (0.084 nm), the replacement
of Zr4+ by Mg2+ in sublattice is difficult;
thus, a decrease of the lattice constant was noticed. Since the high
band gap energy (ΔE > 5.0 eV) is suitable
CO2 adsorption, the samples were employed for the selective
detection/capture of CO2 by using electrochemical impedance
spectroscopy (EIS) and direct current resistance (DCR), showing that
CoZrO2 is capable of CO2 capture about 75%.
If M+ ions are deposited within the ZrO2 matrix,
then the charge imbalance allows CO2 to interact with the
oxygen species to form CO3
2– which produces
a high resistance (21.04 × 106 (Ω, Ohm)). The
adsorption of CO2 with the samples was also theoretically
studied showing that the interaction of CO2 with MgZrO2 and CoZrO2 is more feasible than with LiZrO2, subscribing to the experimental data. The temperature effect
(273 to 573 K) for the interaction of CO2 with CoZrO2 was also studied by the docking method and observed the cubic
structure is more stable at high temperatures as compared to the monoclinic
geometry. Thus, CO2 would preferably interact with ZrO2
c (E
S = −19.29 kJ/mol) than for ZrO2
m (22.4
J/mmol (ZrO2
c = cubic; ZrO2
m = monoclinic).