Excessive drug therapy, environmental pollutants, hepatic cancer and alcoholic intoxicants are the main causes of liver disorders. The hepatic disorders/toxicity can occur by several mechanisms like cytochrome P450 activation, lipid peroxidation, induction of nitric acid synthase, mitochondrial dysfunction, activation of pro-inflammatory mediators and bile acid-induced liver cell death. In spite of consistent human effort and drug discovery, the modern drug has very little to offer. (Prunus armeniaca) is commonly known as Khubani or moon of the faithful or Egg of the sun, which is used as folk medicine in traditional Indian medicinal system as well as worldwide medicinal system, belongs to the family Rosaceae. Prunus armeniaca fruit is the rich source of vitamin, carbohydrate, thiamine, niacin, iron, organic acids, phenols and volatile compounds viz. benzaldehyde, esters, norisoprenoids, terpenoids and minerals. The seed of Prunus armeniaca contain very small amount toxic hydrogen cyanide amygdalin, present in bitter prunus armeniaca kernels which are prescribed as anticancer drug, in asthma, cough and constipation. Prunus armeniaca is having some reported activities like anticancer, antiinflammatory, anti-tubercular properties and antimicrobial properties. Children consume Prunus armeniaca in form of candy and sauces. This review is an attempt to summarize the phytoconstituents, pharmacological action, drug interactions encountered and safety profile with use of Prunus armeniaca as a preventive and therapeutic aid to various ailments including hepatic and dental disorders.
INTRODUCTION:Liver diseases are still a global health problem may be classified as acute or chronic hepatitis (inflammatory liver diseases), hepatosis (non inflammatory diseases) and cirrhosis (degenerative disorder resulting in liver fibrosis). According to WHO (1993) 1 , about 80% of the world population rely on the use of traditional medicine which is predominantly based on plant materials. Unfortunately, treatments of choice for liver diseases are controversial because conventional or synthetic drugs for the treatment of these diseases are insufficient and sometimes cause serious side effects 2 .