Fistula is an abnormal connection between a channel with another channel (internal fistula), or a channel with the outside through the skin (externa fistula). A male, 48 years old, came to the RSUCM Hospital with complaints of discharge from the wound after a hernia operation on the left hip since 1 month at the SMRS. The liquid comes out in small increments, spontaneously, in lumps the size of corn kernels, blackish brown and sometimes greenish yellow, and smells bad. Surgical scars are often inflamed since 6 months after hernia surgery and have often been constipated since the operation. History of hypertension and diabetes mellitus since 4 years ago, not in control and not taking medication regularly. On physical examination, vital signs revealed hypertension. On physical examination, the status of the left iliac a/rillois was seen, an open wound measuring 1x1.5 cm, smelly discharge (+), felt warm, edema (+), NT (+). On complete blood laboratory examination, found within normal limits. At the time of colonoscopy.