Abstract-Forward-looking imaging has extensive potential applications, such as self-navigation and self-landing. By choosing proper geometry, bistatic synthetic aperture radar (BiSAR) can break through the limitations of monostatic SAR on forward-looking imaging and provide possibility of the forwardlooking imaging. In this special bistatic configuration, two problems involving large range cell migration (RCM) and large range-azimuth coupling are introduced by the forward-looking beam, which make it difficult to use traditional data focusing algorithms. To address these problems, a novel Omega-K algorithm based on two-dimensional non-uniform FFT (2-D NUFFT) for translational variant (TV) bistatic forward-looking SAR (BFSAR) imaging is proposed in this paper. In this study, we derive an accurate spectrum expression based on two-dimensional principle of stationary phase (2-D POSP). 2-D NUFFT is utilized to eliminate the range-variant term, which can make full use of the data and improve the computational efficiency as well. The experimental results, presented herein, demonstrate the effectiveness and advantages of the proposed algorithm.