The Internet of Things (IoT) applications and services are increasingly becoming a part of daily life; from smart homes to smart cities, industry, agriculture, it is penetrating practically in every domain. Data collected over the IoT applications, mostly through the sensors connected over the devices, and with the increasing demand, it is not possible to process all the data on the devices itself. The data collected by the device sensors are in vast amount and require high-speed computation and processing, which demand advanced resources. Various applications and services that are crucial require meeting multiple performance parameters like time-sensitivity and energy efficiency, computation offloading framework comes into play to meet these performance parameters and extreme computation requirements. Computation or data offloading tasks to nearby devices or the fog or cloud structure can aid in achieving the resource requirements of IoT applications. In this paper, the role of context or situation to perform the offloading is studied and drawn to a conclusion, that to meet the performance requirements of IoT enabled services, context-based offloading can play a crucial role. Some of the existing frameworks EMCO, MobiCOP-IoT, Autonomic Management Framework, CSOS, Fog Computing Framework, based on their novelty and optimum performance are taken for implementation analysis and compared with the MAUI, AnyRun Computing (ARC), AutoScaler, Edge computing and Context-Sensitive Model for Offloading System (CoSMOS) frameworks. Based on the study of drawn results and limitations of the existing frameworks, future directions under offloading scenarios are discussed.