In the development ofwireless cellular network, there are router will resolute the DS field and use this 8 bits field to some different focuses. As far as these focuses are concerned, the classify the traffic class and schedule. The DiffServ process wireless and cellular network works with different bandwidth and exists in the core network and guarantees the reservation radiofrequency. Also, the next generation cellular network must have important services, for example, the media service. To use the media Widt andone delay. service, we need stable bandwidth and bundle delay time because in (RSVP_CRS) [12]. The problems of MN handoffs in those tThis work is apartial result ofproject noNSC 94-2219-E-259-OO1 and architectures have been solved but there are still some NSC 94-2219-E-259-002 conducted by National Dong Uwa University different ways to improve the working of wireless situation to under the sponsorship of the National Science Conucil, Taiwan, ROC.Nmn-Jamn Shin, Tin-Yu Wu, and Han-Chieh Chao are currently with the wired network, for example, the variable connective rate of Department of Electrical Engineering and Wei-Ming Chen are with the MN to AP and L2 QoS, which are out of the consideration of Department of Information Management, National Dong Uwa University, those architectures. Therefore, the new approach must be Taiwan, ROC.