Syste mati c erro rs in an isope ribol calorimete r of a wid e ly.used design, amou nting to a bout 0.5 pe rce nt of the e nd othermi c enthalpy of solu tion of S RM 1 655 (KCI) in H20 , were fou nd to be th e res ult of e rro rs in hea t leak co rrections due to in adeq uate s tirring and comm onl y used calo rimetric procedures.Other systematic e rrors we re found in meas urements of the enthalpy of soluti o n of the exothermic reaction of tri s(hydroxymethyl)aminomethan e in aq ueou s HCI so lution.Recom mended procedures are summarized.Key words: Calorime try; enth alpy of so luti on; KCI ; so luti on calo rim etry; standard re ference materials; the rmochemistry; tris(h ydroxymeth yl)amin omethane.