Assuming that axiomatic local field theory results hold for hadron scattering, André Martin and S. M. Roy recently obtained absolute bounds on the D wave below threshold for pion-pion scattering and thereby determined the scale of the logarithm in the Froissart bound on total cross sections in terms of pion mass only. Previously, Martin proved a rigorous upper bound on the inelastic cross-section σ inel which is onefourth of the corresponding upper bound on σ tot , and Wu, Martin, Roy and Singh improved the bound by adding the constraint of a given σ tot . Here we use unitarity and analyticity to determine, without any highenergy approximation, upper bounds on energy-averaged inelastic cross sections in terms of lowenergy data in the crossed channel. These are Froissart-type bounds without any unknown coefficient or unknown scale factors and can be tested experimentally. Alternatively, their asymptotic forms, together with the Martin-Roy absolute bounds on pion-pion D waves below threshold, yield absolute bounds on energy-averaged inelastic cross sections. For example, for π 0 π 0 scattering, definingπ . This bound is asymptotically one-fourth of the corresponding Martin-Roy bound on the total cross section, and the scale factor s 1 is one-fourth of the scale factor in the total cross section bound. The average over the interval (s,2s) of the inelastic π 0 π 0 cross section has a bound of the same form with 1=s 1 replaced by 1=s 2 ¼ 2=s 1 .