Multidimensional Harmonic Retrieval (MHR) is a fundamental problem in signal processing. We make a connection with coupled Canonical Polyadic Decomposition (CPD), which allows us to better exploit the rich MHR structure than existing approaches in the derivation of uniqueness results. We discuss both deterministic and generic conditions. We obtain a deterministic condition that is both necessary and sufficient but which may be difficult to check in practice. We derive mild deterministic relaxations that are easy to verify. We also discuss the variant in which the generators have unit norm. We narrow the transition zone between generic uniqueness and generic non-uniqueness to two values of the number of harmonics. We explain differences with one-dimensional HR.Index Terms-coupled canonical polyadic decomposition, tensor, Vandermonde matrix, multidimensional harmonic retrieval.
I. IntroductionDuring the past two decades Multidimensional Harmonic Retrieval (MHR) has become an important problem in signal processing. MHR is a fundamental problem that appears in a wide range of applications in traditional signal processing, such as radar, sonar, wireless communication and channel sounding, see [32], [16], [19], [24], [22], [23], [13], [37] and references therein. The MHR structure can be due to Doppler effects, structured receive and/or transmit antenna arrays, sinusoidal carriers, carrier frequency off-sets, and so on. Another classical signal processing application of MHR is multidimensional NMR spectroscopy (e.g. [21]). More recent MHR applications in signal processing include sampling of parametric nonbandlimited 2D signals [25], phase retrieval of parametric 2D signals [31], phase retrieval