We present a quantum polynomial time attack against the GMMSSZ branching program obfuscator of Garg et al. (TCC'16), when instantiated with the GGH13 multilinear map of Garg et al. . This candidate obfuscator was proved secure in the weak multilinear map model introduced by Miles et al. (CRYPTO'16). Our attack uses the short principal ideal solver of Cramer et al. , to recover a secret element of the GGH13 multilinear map in quantum polynomial time. We then use this secret element to mount a (classical) polynomial time mixed-input attack against the GMMSSZ obfuscator. The main result of this article can hence be seen as a classical reduction from the security of the GMMSSZ obfuscator to the short principal ideal problem (the quantum setting is then only used to solve this problem in polynomial time). As an additional contribution, we explain how the same ideas can be adapted to mount a quantum polynomial time attack against the DG-GMM obfuscator of Döttling et al. (ePrint 2016), which was also proved secure in the weak multilinear map model. under these weaker security notions. In addition to their impossibility result, the authors of [BGI + 01] proposed such a weaker security notion, called indistinguishablility obfuscation (or iO).Indistinguishability obfuscation requires that it should be hard to distinguish between the obfuscation of two equivalent circuits, i.e., circuits that compute the same function. Even if iO security is weaker than VBB security, achieving iO for all circuits would have a lot of applications (see, e.g., [GGH + 13b, SW14]). The first candidate obfuscator for iO security was proposed in 2013 by Garg, Gentry, Halevi, Raykova, Sahai and Waters [GGH + 13b], based on the GGH13 approximate multilinear map [GGH13a]. They showed that iO for the class of polynomial-size branching programs 2 could be bootstrapped to iO for all polynomial-size circuits, 3 and they then described a candidate iO obfuscator for polynomial-size branching programs (without a security proof). Since 2013, numerous candidate obfuscators for polynomial-size branching programs have been proposed, all relying on one of the three candidate cryptographic multilinear map constructions [GGH13a,CLT13,GGH15]. 4 However, none of these candidate obfuscators could be proven secure under classical hardness assumptions.The main security weakness of these candidate obfuscators stems from the underlying candidate multilinear maps. Indeed, all candidate multilinear maps have been shown to suffer from so-called zeroizing attacks [CHL + 15, HJ16], and these zeroizing attacks and their generalizations have made it difficult to design potentially secure iO obfuscators. In the following, we will instantiate all the obfuscators with the GGH13 [GGH13a] multilinear map, 5 as our attack exploits a weakness of this specific multilinear map.In order to improve security confidence, recent obfuscator constructions carefully instantiate the underlying multilinear map (to try to avoid zeroizing attacks) and prove VBB security of their obfuscator in some ...