We consider fundamental algorithmic number theoretic problems and their relation to a class of block structured Integer Linear Programs (ILPs) called 2-stage stochastic. A 2-stage stochastic ILP is an integer program of the form min{c T x | Ax = b, ≤ x ≤ u, x ∈ Z r +ns } where the constraint matrix A ∈ Z nt×r +ns consists of n matrices A i ∈ Z t×r on the vertical line and n matrices B i ∈ Z t×s on the diagonal line aside. We show a stronger hardness result for a number theoretic problem called Quadratic Congruences where the objective is to compute a number z ≤ γ satisfying z 2 ≡ α mod β for given α, β, γ ∈ Z. This problem was proven to be NP-hard already in 1978 by Manders and Adleman. However, this hardness only applies for instances where the prime factorization of β admits large multiplicities of each prime number. We circumvent this necessity proving that the problem remains NP-hard, even if each prime number only occurs constantly often. Using this new hardness result for the Quadratic Congruences problem, we prove a lower bound of 2 2 δ(s+t) |I | O(1) for some δ > 0 for the running time of any algorithm solving 2-stage stochastic ILPs assuming the Exponential Time Hypothesis (ETH). Here, |I | is the encoding length of the instance. This result even holds if r , ||b|| ∞ , ||c|| ∞ , || || ∞ and the largest absolute value Δ in the constraint matrix A are constant. This shows that the state-of-the-art algorithms are nearly tight. Further, it proves the suspicion that these ILPs are indeed