With the development of computer science and technology, online education is gradually accepted by more and more users, and has become one of the main teaching methods in schools under the influence of the epidemic in recent years. In addition, online vocational education or higher education has also captured the psychology of national learning, and online tutoring has gradually entered into nonstudent groups such as office workers. Although online education has the advantages of low cost and no limitation of time and space, it also has some problems, such as low classroom satisfaction, delayed feedback from students, and poor teaching effect. Therefore, this paper aims at this problem by combining the development background of foreign intelligent answer system and self-test system, and introducing it into our computer application, using artificial intelligence for natural language processing, aiming at online teaching students cannot get timely answer, and self-test questions intelligent system design. The final experimental results show that the system effectively alleviates the problems of students’ delay in answering questions and poor self-test effect, and increases the satisfaction of online classroom by 13%.