We investigate the information theoretic properties of KalmanBucy filters in continuous time, developing notions of information supply, storage and dissipation. Introducing a concept of energy, we develop a physical analogy in which the unobserved signal describes a statistical mechanical system interacting with a heat bath. The abstract 'universe' comprising the signal and the heat bath obeys a non-increase law of entropy; however, with the introduction of partial observations, this law can be violated. The Kalman-Bucy filter behaves like a Maxwellian demon in this analogy, returning signal energy to the heat bath without causing entropy increase. This is made possible by the steady supply of new information.In a second analogy the signal and filter interact, setting up a stationary non-equilibrium state, in which energy flows between the heat bath, the signal and the filter without causing any overall entropy increase. We introduce a rate of interactive entropy flow that isolates the statistical mechanics of this flow from marginal effects. Both analogies provide quantitative examples of Landauer's Principle.