With such heightened awareness of innovation within a tourism industry, the factors to improve economic growth and trajectory of an organization is said to be critically dependent upon whether an organization chooses to implement innovation into their business strategy. Innovation is recognized as one of the most determining factors in the improvement of competitiveness, becoming a powerful explanatory factor of the differences between countries, regions and companies in terms of their economic growth. Thus, implying that in order to be competitive amongst competitors across nations, regions and towns, innovation is key. It also instinctively raises the question of if innovation is the key then what does it unlock? For example, if innovation is important, does it unlock the knowledge to understand challenges faced by rural organizations when integrating innovation and how to solve them? Or does it provide an organization with a specific way to measure its ability to integrate innovation into its business structure? In order to assess these questions, the purpose of the research is to evaluate integrated innovations within rural tourism organizations. The research object is the integrated innovation. The objectives of the work are to define the types, classifications and determinants of innovation; analyze rural tourism organizations' in Lithuania and their ability to implement innovation by examining its readiness and challenges; determine integrated innovations in rural tourism organizations through methods of measuring innovation. The research is based on the analysis on the types of innovation -product innovation, organizational innovation and service innovation -on the works