22Water has traditionally been over utilised within the process industry due to its low cost. However, 23 increasing environmental regulations, concerns around human and ecological health, and consumer 24 expectations of high environmental performance have placed water conservation onto the agenda of 25 the process industry. Many conceptual and mathematical techniques are available for determining 26 appropriate water management practices to achieve this, but these are often not easily applied in 27 complex, multi-contaminant systems such as petroleum refineries. 28This study investigated the use of water auditing techniques to examine water flows within a 29 petroleum refinery, concurrently identifying practical ways for achieving water conservation. The 30 work demonstrated that, even in a refinery with processes considered highly efficient within the 31 industry, many opportunities existed to improve water conservation through technical, cultural and 32 behavioural adaptations. These included the use of alternate water sources such as rainwater runoff, 33 reuse of water within process units, and the introduction of an overarching company policy to 34 minimise water use and effluent discharge. Water auditing was shown to be a simple yet effective 35 method for exposing water management procedures which could be adopted for continual 36 improvement, contributing to the emerging ideal practice of zero liquid discharge. 37 38