HE data to be presented in this paper represent an effort to test re-T peated clinical observations of a particular set of responses in parents of schizophrenic children being treated at the Ittleson Center for Child Research. For purposes of discussion these complex phenomena, referable to parental function, have been previously subsumed under the term "Parental Perplexity" (9).l The syndrome of perplexity includes parental passivity, marked uncertainty, lack of spontaneity, absence of empathy with the child with resultant diminished awareness of the child's gratification needs, bewilderment and blandness in the face of socially unacceptable or bizarre behavior in the child, and a total absence of forthright parental control. This unstructured and nonempathic reaction to the child's needs and responses is sometimes disguised by a compensatory dependence on mechanical intellectualization and by the use of an inflexible set of rules for parenting.It should be emphasized that these parental traits refer to the immediate impact of the parent on the schizophrenic child. On a deeper level, psychodynamic studies have pointed to a frequently underlying dynamic constellation in the mothers who show this bewilderment and paralysis of parental functioning. These are often mothers who themselves have suffered early emotional deprivation so that the child is experienced as an overwhelming burden rather than as a source of maternal pleasure. As a result these mothers are dominated by an immense rage toward the child. Sometimes this rage emerges explosively for brief intervals, but more usually it is denied obvious, overt expression and diverted into a state of clinical depression.Equally important is the mother's unconscious wishful image of her omnipotent magical power. Murderous rage is thus combined with an unconscious belief in her catastrophically destructive powers. In the unconscious denial and inhibition of her rage the mother becomes dramatically blocked in the execution of her mothering role. At this point she resorts to