In most studies of microstrip circuits, the majority of researchers assume that the microstrip structures studied have flat metallic conductors of finite widths but without thickness. But in reality these types of structures integrate metallic copper conductors of different thicknesses. If we neglect this thickness we introduce error in the electrical parameters of the microstrip structure, which affects the effective permittivity, the characteristic impedance, the adaptation of the circuit, the resonance frequency, etc. Given the importance of this parameter (thickness of the metal of micro rubon structures), rigorous electromagnetic modeling of the thick micro rubon line based on the skin effect phenomenon (In fact at high frequency the skin effect phenomenon occurs and the current only flows on the periphery of the conductor) has been proposed to improve the studied electric model and ensure the increase in the precision of the analysis method used: Wave concept iterative process. The good agreement between the simulated and published data justifies the improvement of the model.