Regarding landscape preferences for highways, there is a dynamic interaction between users and the variety of natural and cultural landscape elements along the roadside, reflecting a balance between the highway and the natural environment. However, the rapid pace of urbanization has accelerated the development of highways, leading to the neglect or destruction of valuable landscapes. This highlights the need for visual preference assessments to protect aesthetic and environmental values. Currently, there is a lack of comprehensive criteria for assessing the visual preference of highway landscapes. Therefore, this study aims to review existing literature and establish complete assessment criteria. This study conducted a systematic literature review by searching for keywords in three databases: Web of Science, Scopus, and Google Scholar. The review included 22 papers published between 2013 and 2023 that met the criteria. An additional four relevant papers were included through a “snowballing” approach to supplement the research and results. The results of the study focused on the relationships between highway landscapes and users, user preferences, preference methods, and related variables. These inter-established relationships were used to complete an assessment framework, which establishes a basic reference standard for professionals.