О. В. Кухар, к. ю. н., доцент кафедри державно правових дисциплін та міжнародного права, Державний біотехнологічний університет
The article is concerned with substantiating the process of identifying and overcoming investment threats in the management of the economic security of agricultural enterprises. It is determined that the tasks facing the agrarian sector of the Ukrainian economy in preventing investment threats are to stimulate the accumulation and effective use of investment resources by prioritizing economic growth and prospects for innovative development of the sector. A typical structure is given an investment project for developing an agricultural enterprise. It is determined that the project reveals six main stages, including the characteristics of the investment object, determination of the need for investment, planning of sources of financing, optimization of the financing structure, assessment of threats to the investment project, and assessment of its effectiveness. A detailed description of each stage in the context of eliminating investment threats in the system of economic security management is provided. An integrated approach to developing, analyzing, evaluating, and implementing investment projects in agro industrial production is substantiated. It is determined that such an approach contributes to ensuring economic security both at the level of the agricultural sector as a whole and at the level of individual agricultural enterprises. The focus is on improving innovation efficiency and competitiveness. It is substantiated that the assessment of the efficiency of the project implementation is based on the following principles: the assessment is carried out based on the expected financial results represented by the additional cash flow from the project implementation, taking into account the time factor in assessing the cost indicators of the project, in particular, by bringing the flow of investment costs and cash flows from the project implementation to the present value; differentiation of the discount rate taking into account different risks and liquidity of the project; variation of the interest rate by the purpose of the assessment and the characteristics of the investment project, using indicators such as the expected inflation rate, deposit or credit rate, alternative rate of return.
Стаття присвячена обгрунтуванню процесу виявлення та подолання інвестиційних загроз в сис темі управління економічною безпекою аграрних підприємств. Встановлено, що завдання, які сто ять перед аграрним сектором економіки України з питань попередження інвестиційних загроз, по лягають в тому, щоб стимулювати процеси нагромадження й ефективного використання інвести ційних ресурсів відповідно до пріоритетів економічного зростання, перспектив інноваційного роз витку сектора. Наведено типову структуру інвестиційного проекту для розвитку аграрного підприє мства. Визначено, що проект розкриває шість основних етапів,...