For a CMOS manufacturing process, asynchronous IC's are similar to synchronous IC's. The defect density distributions are similar, and hence, so are the fault models and fault-detection methods. So, what makes us think that asynchronous circuits are much harder to test than synchronous circuits? Because the effectiveness of best known test methods for synchronous circuits drops when applied to asynchronous circuits? That may very well be a temporal hurdle. Many test methods have already been reevaluated and successfully adapted from the synchronous to the asynchronous test domain. The paper addresses one of the final hurdles: I DDQ testing. This type of test method, based on measuring the quiescent power supply current, is very effective for detecting (resistive) bridging faults in CMOS circuits. Detection of bridging faults is crucial, because they model the majority of today's manufacturing defects. I DDQ fault effects are sensitized in a particular state or set of states and can only be detected if we stop the circuit operation right there. This is a problem for asynchronous circuits, because their operation is self timed. In the paper, we quantify the impact of self timing on the effectiveness of I DDQ -based test methods for bridging faults, and propose a Design-for-Test (DfT) approach to develop a low-cost DfT solution. For comparison, we do the same for logic voltage testing and stuck-at faults. The approach is illustrated on circuits from Tangram, the asynchronous design-style employed at Philips Research, but it is applicable to asynchronous circuits in general.