Abstract. Eight canine tumors originating from specific glandular structures in the anal region, as well as metastatic tumor tissue of two of these cases (case Nos. 7, 8), were immunohistochemically analyzed using various monoclonal antibodies (MoAbs) directed against human keratin types, vimentin, neurofilament proteins, and a-smooth muscle actin. These tumors also were stained for the broad-spectrum neuroendocrine markers neuron-specific enolase (NSE) and synaptophysin. In histologically normal canine anal structures, a-smooth muscle actin and NSE antibodies stained basally localized (probably myoepitheliai) cells in the anal glands and the anal sac glands. NSE staining also was present in a limited number of luminal cells in both anal glands and anal sac glands. Synaptophysin labeling was not observed in any of these glandular structures. Histologically, the tumors were differentiated into well-and moderately differentiated perianal gland tumors (n = 5 ) and carcinomas without perianal gland differentiation (n = 3), corresponding to the so-called apocrine carcinomas of the anal region. Immunohistochemically, the perianal gland tumors could be differentiated from the carcinomas by marked differences in staining pattern with the various keratin MoAbs, particularly MoAbs directed against human keratin types 7 and 18. The keratin-staining characteristics of the carcinomas suggest a glandular luminal cell origin. Metastases of the carcinomas showed loss of some keratin-staining characteristics as compared with the primary tumor. Staining for NSE was only observed in solitary cells and small cell clusters in the carcinomas and their metastases, whereas the a-smooth muscle actin antibody did not react with the carcinoma cells. None of the tumors stained for neurofilament proteins or synaptophysin. An unequivocal neuroendocrine nature of the carcinomas could not be substantiated by our immunohistochemical study, although the presence of a population of neuroendocrine cells within these neoplasms seems likely. Because the immunohistochemical features of the carcinomas with respect to various keratin MoAbs and NSE are similar to those of the anal glands and the anal sac glands, both these glands might be considered as site of origin of these carcinomas.