The Cartan formula encodes the relationship between the cup product and the action of the Steenrod algebra in Fp-cohomology. In this work we present an effective proof of the Cartan formula at the cochain level when the field is F 2 . More explicitly, for an arbitrary pair of cocycles and any non-negative integer we construct a natural coboundary descending to the associated instance of the Cartan formula. Our construction works for general algebras over the Barratt-Eccles operad, in particular, for the singular cochains of spaces. 1. Introduction Acknowledgement 2. Conventions and preliminaries 2.1. Chain complexes and simplicial sets 2.2. The Alexander-Whitney and Eilenberg-Zilber maps 2.3. Group actions and algebras over operads 2.4. The Barratt-Eccles operad E 3. Cartan coboundaries for E-algebras 3.1. Steenrod cup-i products and Cartan coboundaries 3.2. Statement of the main theorem 3.3. Proof of the main theorem 4. The E-algebra structure on normalized cochains 4.1. The Surjection operad 4.2. The Table Reduction morphism 4.3. The diagonal and join maps Appendix A. Explicit examples References Contents