With the development of advanced metering infrastructure, massive smart meter readings are generated and stored in smart grids, which makes it possible for detecting of tremendous social value embedded in load data. The majority of the existing load data mining works are performed on the daily time scale without adequate consideration of load information between the days. To better describe the power consumption characteristics of users, a data mining approach based on the weekly load curves is proposed in this paper. First, the piecewise aggregate approximation technique is utilized to reduce the dimensions of the raw weekly load data. Then, a Davies-Bouldin index-based adaptive k-means algorithm is proposed to cluster the studied users into several groups. Finally, a hidden Markov model describing the probabilistic transitions of different load levels is established for each cluster to extract the representative dynamic weekly load features. A feasible tool based on dynamic characteristics of load patterns is invented to evaluate the short-term load forecasting methods, which realizes the pre-check for the forecasting results without future real measurements in the forecasting horizon. Case studies on a real dataset demonstrate that the proposed method is capable of extracting weekly load characteristics of users. INDEX TERMS Weekly load profiles, dimension reduction, clustering, hidden Markov model evaluation. I. INTRODUCTION A. BACKGROUND With the development of smart grids, smart meters, the basic terminal equipment of Advanced Metering Infrastructure (AMI), has gained increasing popularity worldwide. For instance, in the US, the quantity of smart meters installed has reached 70 million by the end of 2016 [1]; while in China, more than 500 million smart meters will be installed during the 13th Five-Year Plan period (2016-2020) [1]. Consequently, massive load data is generated and stored. With a temporal measurement of 15 minutes, the annual amount of smart meter readings for China reaches 117TB. Except for the traditional electricity billing, hidden value of the massive smart meter readings is detected by a series of data mining approaches. Typical load data mining procedure includes steps of data cleaning, compression, clustering, forecasting and so on [2]. The associate editor coordinating the review of this manuscript and approving it for publication was Qilian Liang.