These Internet of Things (IoT) is a swiftly evolving paradigm having potential to transform the physical interaction between the individuals and organizations. IoT network aims to exchange ''things'' in secure and reliable way through IT infrastructure. This technology has found application in multiple fields such as, healthcare, learning and training, resource management, information processing to name a few. However, practical realization of this technology is met numerous security and privacy concerns, which are to be mitigated for large scale successfully deployment of IoT technology. A prevention technique is proposed to enhance cyber security of IoT devices and networks against DDoS attacks which consume the bandwidth in modern Internet of things (IoT) devices. Since these networks are wireless and selfconfiguring and doesn't need a pre-existing infrastructure and have a large unpredictable node movements, security becomes one of the most vital issue to be raised into the account. The proposed approach is based on the analysis and investigations of bandwidth attacks that mainly focus on DDoS that is truly a ruthless challenge and is difficult to detect, and decreases the performance of the network. DDoS includes a group of attacker nodes and targets the victim to prevent the legitimate users from accessing the network services and resources. Intrusion prevention system in IoT devices are the procedures that are treated as Add-ons' of the intrusion detection system to actively defend and prevent the intrusions, that are detected by the detection procedures of the IDS. The report that is generated by the IDS after analyzing the report of the forensic analysis is the base of the proposed procedure.