Multiple valued logic (MVL) can represent an exponentially higher number of data/information compared to the binary logic for the same number of logic bits. Compared to the conventional and other emerging device technologies, Graphene Nano Ribbon Field Effect Transistor (GNRFET) appears to be very promising for designing MVL logic gates and arithmetic circuits due to some exceptional electrical properties of the GNRFET, e.g., the ability to control the threshold voltage by changing the width of the GNR. Variation of the threshold voltage is one of the prescribed techniques to achieve multiple voltage levels to implement the MVL circuit. This paper introduces a design approach for ternary logic gates and circuits using MOS-type GNRFET. The designs of basic ternary logic gates like inverters, NAND, NOR, and ternary arithmetic circuits like the ternary decoder, 3:1 multiplexer, and ternary half-adder are demonstrated using GNRFET. A comparative analysis of the GNRFET based ternary logic gates and circuits and those based on the conventional CMOS and CNTFET technologies is performed using delay, total power, and power-delay-product (PDP) as the metrics. The simulation and analysis are performed using the H-SPICE tool with a GNRFET model available on the Nanohub website.