In this paper, a Wavelet transform-based approach for estimation of multipitch in music signal has been proposed. Among the Morlet Wavelet (MW), Mexican hat, and Shannon wavelet that belong to the widely used wavelets in different applications, the Morlet wavelet performs well for estimation of pitch in polyphonic music signals. This is why a method involving modification of the Morlet wavelet has been proposed for achieving better accuracy in estimation of multiple pitches in polyphonic music. Performance of the Modified Morlet Wavelet (MMW) based Multipitch Estimation (MPE) scheme has been compared with that of a method based on Fast Fourier Transform and another based on the original Morlet Wavelet, in terms of percentage Gross Pitch Error (GPE). Piano chord data base and Standard music IOWA data base have been used for performance evaluation of the proposed scheme. Simulation results show that percentage error in pitch (described by the fundamental frequency) is minimum for the proposed i.e. MMW-based method.