Abstract. In this work, a new forward polarimetric radar operator for the COSMO numerical weather prediction (NWP) model is proposed. This operator is able to simulate measurements of radar reflectivity at horizontal polarization, differential reflectivity as well as specific differential phase shift and Doppler variables for ground based or spaceborne radar scans from atmospheric conditions simulated by COSMO. The operator includes a new Doppler scheme, which allows estimation of the full Doppler spectrum, as well a melting scheme which allows representing the very specific polarimetric signature of melting hydrometeors. In addition, the operator is adapted to both the operational onemoment microphysical scheme of COSMO and its more advanced two-moment scheme. The parameters of the relationships between the microphysical and scattering properties of the various hydrometeors are derived either from the literature or, in the case of graupel and aggregates, from observations collected in Switzerland. The operator is evaluated by comparing the simulated fields of radar observables with observations from the Swiss operational radar network, from a high resolution X-band research radar and from the dual-frequency precipitation radar of the Global Precipitation Measurement satellite (GPM-DPR). This evaluation shows that the operator is able to simulate an accurate Doppler spectrum and accurate radial velocities as well as realistic distributions of polarimetric variables in the liquid phase. In the solid phase, the simulated reflectivities agree relatively well with radar observations, but the simulated differential reflectivity and specific differential phase shift upon propagation tend to be underestimated. This radar operator makes it possible to compare directly radar observations from various sources with COSMO simulations and as such is a valuable tool to evaluate and test the microphysical parameterizations of the model.