Because the dual-mass MEMS gyroscope's output is greatly influenced by temperature, which can lead to errors that cannot be ignored. To solve this problem, a novel compensation method is proposed: a parallel processing algorithm, which integrates the Permutation entropy (PE), Local Characteristic-scale Decomposition (LCD) and Adaptive network-based fuzzy inference system (ANFIS). Firstly, LCD is used to decompose the output which contains temperature noises and drifts into a trend component and several intrinsic scale components (ISC), according to autocorrelation and complexity, three different categories will be obtained by PE: pure noise output, mixed output, and drift output. The different processes are as follows, the noise output is discarded, the mixed output is filtered by SG (Savitzky-Golay filter), then dual ANFIS is applied. Since the drift output completely reflects the temperature characteristics, the degree of non-linearity is high, the ANFIS with complex rules is used for processing. And the mixed output is composed of intermediate layer modes, containing a relatively small amount of temperature characteristics, simple rule ANFIS is adopted for processing. Finally, the signal is reconstructed. After that, the temperature error experiment is carried out, the result shows the method can effectively eliminate the error and compensate for the drift, it has a fast convergence speed and good effect, and has the advantage of good compensation efficiency.