In this work, the potential for improving the trade-off between fuel consumption and tailpipe NOx emissions through variable engine calibration (VEC) is demonstrated for both conventional and hybrid electric vehicles (HEV). First, a preoptimization procedure for the engine operation is proposed to address the challenge posed by the large number of engine control inputs. By excluding infeasible and suboptimal operation offline, an engine model is developed that can be evaluated efficiently during online optimization. Next, dynamic programming is used to find the optimal trade-off between fuel consumption and tailpipe NOx emissions for various vehicle configurations and driving missions. Simulation results show that for a conventional vehicle equipped with VEC and gear optimization run on the worldwide harmonized light vehicles test cycle (WLTC), the fuel consumption can be reduced by 5.4% at equivalent NOx emissions. At equivalent fuel consumption, the NOx emissions can be reduced by 80%. For an HEV, the introduction of VEC, in addition to the optimization of the torque split and the gear selection, drastically extended the achievable trade-off between fuel consumption and tailpipe NOx emissions in simulations. Most notably, the region with very low NOx emissions could only be reached with VEC.