Several synthesis approaches have been proposed to determine a reversible circuit realization for a given function. Significant improvements [46, 88, 132, 145] have been proposed. Yet, the majority of the synthesis approaches do not guarantee optimal realizations, in fact, the algorithms that do guarantee an optimal solution (e.g., [146]) are only applicable to small circuits of about 4-6 lines. Moreover, synthesis approaches are not aware of the technology for which the circuit is physically designed. As a result, several post-synthesis optimization approaches [88, 128] have been proposed to minimize a given circuit after it has been synthesized. Postsynthesis optimization approaches are used to reduce the circuits with respect to a given cost metric in quantum computing architectures, e.g., the number of lines, the depth, the cost to ensure linear nearest neighbor constraints, etc.In this chapter, we aim at reducing the quantum cost and studying the complexity analysis of circuits in the reversible level. This chapter is structured as follows. Section 3.1 reviews the related work. Then, in Sects. 3.2 and 3.3, we give two approaches for the optimization of reversible circuits regarding the quantum cost metric. Section 3.4 describes a study for complexity analysis of reversible circuits and the chapter is concluded in Sect. 3.5.