INTRODUCTIONIt has been found that ruthenium sulphide, either unsupported [I, 21 or supported by carbon [3, 61, is one of the most effective systems for the hydrodesulphurization (HDS) of thiophene [3-51, benzothiophene [6] and dibenzothiophene [I] and hydrogenation of biphenyl [2]. In addition, ruthenium sulphide showed outstanding activity in the hydrodenitrogenation (HDN) of quinoline [7-91, decahydroquinoline [lo] and pyridine [5, 8, 111. However, there is a large discrepancy within the literature concerning the performance of alumina supported ruthenium in hydrotreating reactions. It has been observed that alumina-supported ruthenium samples exhibited lower activity as HDS or as HDN catalysts than molybdenum-based sample [7,12, 131. Nevertheless, Kuo et al. [13, 141 and De Los Reyes et al. [15, 161 demonstrated the importance of the sulphidation process in such systems, and that efficient Ru/Al2O3 sulphide catalysts could be obtained after an activation using H2S or a H2S/N2 gas mixture, respectively. It is noteworthy, that alumina-supported Ru-Mo catalyst has also been investigated in HDS [17, 181, HDN [18, 191 and hydrodeoxygenation [20] reactions.Despite the numerous studies performed on ruthenium-containing hydrotreatment catalysts, little is known about the hydrodesulphurization activity and selectivity of Y-zeolite and alumina-supported sulphided ruthenium species. In view of the earlier studies it was of interest to investigate the role of the support, the type of ruthenium precursor compound and the sulphidation step in determining the catalyst performance. In this papel. the results of the HDS of thiophene on Nay-, HY-and KY-zeolite and alumina supported ruthenium catalysts will be given. The selectivities of the catalysts towards butenes, n-butane, CI-C3 and iC4 hydrocarbons will be interpreted in relation to the sulphidation procedure and the acid strength of the support. The activities, the selectivities and the deactivation properties of the ruthenium-containing catalysts will be compared with those of Mo/Al2O3 and commercial NiMo/A1203.