This prospective, randomized, placebo-controlled, single-center trial was performed on parallel groups. The patients (n = 40) undergoing elective CABG were randomized receivin preoperative intravenous omega-3 PUFAs (Omegaven 10%) infusion (the PUFAs group) or the same volume of 0.9% saline solution infusion (the control group). Infusion was given a day before surgery and repeated four hours before starting extracorporeal circulation (CPB) via the pe ripheral vein at single doses of 100 mL (25 mL/h). Platelet function analysis was performed using multiple electrode aggregometry (MEA, multiplate-analyzer) before starting CPB and 2 h postoperatively for the patients of both groups. Results. There were no clinically relevant differ ences in baseline characteristics between the groups. He matological parameters were not significantly different between the groups pre-, intra- and postoperatively. Dur ing the first 24 h after surgery, the loss of blood was simi lar in the PUFAs and the control group (680 +/- 274 mL and 608 +/- 210 mL, respectively; p = 0.356). Postopera tively, platelet aggregation was not significantly different between the PUFAs and the control group in adenosine diphosphate (ADP) test (39 +/- 11 and 42 +/- 15, respec tively; p = 0.701), arachidonic acid (ASPI) test (64 +/- 24 and 70 +/- 27, respectively; p = 0.525) and trombin receptor-activating peptide (TRAP) test (68 +/- 25 and 75 + 26, respectively; p = 0.396), while their aggregation in collagen (COL) test was statistically significantly lower in the PUFAs related to the control group (32 +/- 15 and 47 +/- 20, re spectively; p = 0.009). Conclusion. Acute pretreatment with omega-3 PUFAs insignificantly affected the activity of platelets and did not influence postoperative blood loss.