“…Quantitative analysis of archaeological sediments was carried out to measure nine inorganic elements commonly reported as being associated with anthropogenic activity and arable augmentation (Aston et al, 1998;Holliday and Gartner, 2007;Wilson et al, 2008Wilson et al, , 2009Alexander et al, 2012). Aeolian deposit and slow-moving entrained alluvial surface deposition; dark grey (7.5YR 6/2); clay silts and unsorted angular fine gravels (10%); c/f 1:9; roots were visible (20%); weakly developed subangular peds and a diffused boundary above (4049); distinct boundary below (4041) 4041 45-90 6.9 Aeolian deposit and slow-moving entrained alluvial sediment; silty clay (7.5YR 5/2) sand; unsorted angular gravel (vf, 5%; f, 10%); c/f 1:4; visible fine root; faunal burrows (20%); weakly angular peds; distinct boundary 4041-4048 4042 90-120 7.0 Alluvial overbanking deposits of the phase 2 channel; grey brown (10YR 5/2); silty clay; subangular sand/gravel coarse fraction (f, S); c/f 3:7; visible roots/rootlets; moderately developed platy peds; well-defined boundary 4043 120-130 7.1 Moderate-/fast-flowing fine alluvial irrigation deposits (phase 2); greyish brown (7.5YR 4/1); silty clay; root (5%); mesofaunal burrows; partially sorted angular/subangular gravels (vf, 10%; f, 10%; S, 20%); c/f 2:3; subangular peds; channel and chamber voids 4046 150-160 6.9 Slow-flowing alluvial irrigation deposit (phase 2); brown yellow (10YR 4/6); clay silt; c/f 1:4; with subangular sand and gravel (vf, 10%; f, 5%; S, 5%; M, 5%); moderately developed subangular blocky peds; distinctive boundaries 4044 125-145 6.9 Slow-flowing alluvial irrigation deposits (phase 1 channel); brown grey (7.5YR 6/2); silty clay sands; roots (2%); c/f 1:9; sorted subangular gravels (vf, 5%; f, 10%; S, 10%; M, 5%); moderately developed platy peds; distinct boundaries 4045 145-160 7.0 Slow-flowing alluvial irrigation deposits (phase 1 channel); brown grey (7.5YR 4/1); clay silt; c/f 1:1; roots visible (2%); unsorted angular gravels (vf, 10%; f, 5%; S, 5%; M, 5%); subangular peds (compacted); well-defined boundaries These are: aluminium (Al), phosphorus (P), potassium (K), calcium (Ca), chromium (Cr), manganese (Mn), iron (Fe), zinc (Zn), and strontium (Sr).…”